Goliath Bird Eater Tarantula

Welcome to our care sheet for the Goliath Bird-Eater Tarantula (Theraphosa stirmi)! Below, you'll find essential information to ensure the health and well-being of these impressive arachnids.


  • Provide a spacious enclosure with plenty of floor space for the Goliath Bird-Eater Tarantula to move around.
  • Use a terrarium that is at least 20 gallons in size for an adult tarantula.
  • Ensure the enclosure has a secure lid to prevent escapes.


  • Use a substrate that allows for burrowing, such as a mix of coconut fiber, peat moss, or topsoil with a depth of 4 to 6 inches.

Temperature and Humidity:

  • Maintain a temperature range of 75 to 85°F (24 to 29°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night.
  • Keep humidity levels between 70% and 80% by misting the enclosure regularly or using a humidity gauge and misting system.


  • Offer appropriately sized prey items such as crickets, roaches, mealworms, and occasionally small mice or pinky rats.
  • Feed adult tarantulas once every 1 to 2 weeks, adjusting frequency based on appetite and growth.

Water and Hydration:

  • Provide a shallow water dish filled with fresh, chlorine-free water at all times.
  • Mist the enclosure lightly to provide moisture for drinking and maintaining humidity levels.


  • Exercise extreme caution when handling Goliath Bird-Eater Tarantulas, as they have potent venom and can be defensive if threatened.
  • Avoid handling unless necessary, and use a soft paintbrush or similar tool for gentle guidance.

Behavior and Enrichment:

  • Goliath Bird-Eater Tarantulas are nocturnal and prefer to hide during the day. Provide hiding spots such as cork bark or half logs.
  • Offer occasional climbing opportunities with branches or plants to mimic their natural habitat.

Health Monitoring:

  • Monitor your tarantula's behavior, appetite, and abdomen size regularly.
  • Seek veterinary care from an arachnid-experienced veterinarian if you notice any signs of illness or injury.

Legal Considerations:

  • Before acquiring a Goliath Bird-Eater Tarantula, research and comply with local and national regulations regarding the ownership of exotic arachnids.

By following these care guidelines, you can provide a suitable and enriching environment for your Goliath Bird-Eater Tarantula. Remember, responsible ownership and proper care are essential for the well-being of these fascinating creatures.